Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Along the way

Along life's paths we get surprises that are important to help us keep our positive perspective - such as total strangers offering help, friendship, concern - if only we are willing to see them and acknowledge them. Moving into this apartment complex has shown plenty of people more than willing to help - even more than in the heartland area of central Iowa where we used to live.

It causes me to pause and reflect on the manner that we delude ourselves into thinking we live in a cold, distant, compartmentalized world where it is possible to become a hermit within a city. I know that this is possible, but I also know that the world isn't quite as insular as we might like to believe. I've had conversation with persons from East and West Germany, with Hispanics, Blacks, Asians and Northern Europeans. All were delighted to compare thoughts, to enjoy simple human companionship, and to simply be together. I've listened to those in my youth (and later) who said "those" people moving in would destroy the neighborhood, and more than once have actually seen "those" people actually enhance the neighborhood by keeping up their property, living quietly friendly lives and working to pay their way - while some of the complainers had trashy property, noisy obnoxious home lives, and were constantly looking for someone to bail them out of their self-induced problems.

I've had strangers along highways stop to help with automobile troubles, and offered help. I've had hotel and motel staff go out of their way to help with problems - even more so than would normally be associated with keeping a good image. I've witnessed waitresses, chefs and managers of restaurants go far out of their way to accommodate my wife's food allergies.

See? The world still has a preponderance of good people, we've just become used to noticing the nasty and difficult ones. Open your eyes, and you might get the surprise of your life - you might be one of the nasty, difficult people you complain about so much!

Think about it and try it! Practice random acts of kindness and see how the world can change - one person at a time. The commercial is right, a smile is contagious and very effective at change!


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