Sunday, March 23, 2008


Once again, I find that with this holy day behind me, I'm worn out, drained, and looking forward to some time off. I pondered this today, and I think that for my wife and me this is an emotionally draining season because of experiences we have had and because we are emotive people who deal well with meditation and visualization. For us, it is easy to slip into the emotional roller coaster of the followers of the Way as they followed their Master and Teacher on what they understood to be the last trip into Jerusalem. In a way, trying to help the church see the need for change, for another step in the ages old process of trying to remain fresh for our own day, is like that last trip of Jesus.

Why? Well, he went knowing the dangers of standing in opposition to the settled leadership. Those of us challenging the church to see that twentieth century church isn't addressing twenty-first century people in an engaging manner, also face the opposition of those who cling to what I heard in Seminary - the 7 last words of the church - "We never did it that way before!" I still recall the father of a high school friend who told me, upon seeing Good News for Modern Man, that if the King James was good enough for Peter and Paul it was, by God, good enough for us! His emotion was clear, his resolve even went to suggesting that our church should buy as many copies and possible and burn them - because they said Mary was pregnant, not that she was with child - which means she was pregnant!

Then again, consider that Jesus relied on God's powerful presence and grace to accept the one who learned, worked and lived in the inner circle - but planned to show his enemies where he would be when no crowds were around. If the leaders of the church trying to make it relevant into this new century do not rely on that same presence and grace, it is so very easy to slip into bitterness and disillusionment. Better still to understand that if you don't feel called, don't enter this business! Trust God, focus on those who do appreciate your ministry, but don't avoid those who irritate you.

Another reason is that beyond all the stuff we put up with, there is the promise that God is the one who will give us our final grade! It is God who calls us, God who gives the gifts and talents we use, and God who sent Jesus to set the example and teach the right way to live. Now all we need to do is to truly understand that we ARE to FOLLOW Jesus on that radically new life that welcomes ALL who come seeking God, we ARE to focus on the new understandings that come to us, because we are constantly learning new things that help us understand life better.

Finally, Jesus went into that last week without giving the disciples black and white answers. We live in grey areas. As easy as black and white, right and wrong thinking is, it simply doesn't match the manner of Jesus teaching or ministry. He refused to play the games of the settled leadership, turning their crazy traditions back into their laps each time they tried to catch him. He saw welcoming all who came as the manner of ministering that God called him - and us - to do! So we need to learn that God's world is based on God's unchanging love, Jesus unlimited grace, and the recognition that we are all God's children - to push someone away for human reasons is to push the Master away in one of what he called the least of these my brothers and sisters.

So Easter is draining! But it is exhilarating as well, because of the promise, and because I so enjoy the looks of wonder on children's faces as we share the stories, and sometimes actually admit to them we don't have answers to all their questions. I invite you to join the roller-coaster, and find the excitement of this spirit-driven lifestyle!


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