Sunday, March 30, 2008

Grandson Rejuvenation

I've discovered a new method of repriming the pump, filling the tank, releasing the tensions - my grandson! Put that little guy in my arms asleep and it is amazing how much you can feel the tensions relaxing, how much his smile will brighten the vision of the future, how much his cooing and giggles will cheer you!

Now I do have other stress relievers - like a coffee trip with my son! Or listening to an audio book with my beloved wife! Or gaming with my daughter! Or participating in wider church activities because of the interchange of ideas with people just as concerned with finding new ways to make the unchanging grace of God fresh for the people of this time and place.

But without doubt, that little vulnerable bundle of clearly shared emotions is about the best rejuvenator I can think of! His trusting gaze reminds me that I have been given a responsibility to provide care where and when I can - that the greatest need is to be loving even when he might challenge my understanding of what is best for him. And I need to offer that same love to all my family and those I'm called to serve.

His little smile, or that surprised look when he burps, remind me that part of my responsibility is also to help train him to understand that need for love, for personal responsibility and for giving to others as God gives to us.

I'm glad I got to see, hold, and enjoy him. But even more, I'm looking forward the next time!!


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