Sunday, March 16, 2008

Lessons in politics

Yesterday was quite the learning experience in how the political process often does and how it should work! My wife and I were both delegates to the county convention. It was a little confusing that the meeting opens, but can't get down to the real heart of the meeting for an hour - to make sure people are all there (who are coming).

Then there was the lesson that it helps to have a leader with a clear understanding of what and how to present. Ours was lost several times and had to be challenged on some misinformation based on the January caucuses.

Then, watching delegates wrangle, it became apparent not a few could have used lessons in listening to explanations - even elected officials! What should probably been an hour and a half meeting became three hours, and people were really starting to get testy and tired by the time it was adjourned.

One fellow observed that watching the county convention made it clear why the government has such a difficult time making decisions!

The walk home in the cool late winter air was nice afterward - my wife had to leave early to grab a bite to eat and get to her knitting group.

So from that I have a whole new perspective, going into Holy Week, on the political intrigue that contributed to the events commemorated the end of the week. The decision to seek the death of the troublesome Jesus was nothing arrived at over mere minutes, it took a lot of wrangling before enough votes were garnered - probably not a few followed back-room meetings with perhaps of little grease of coinage to help things along.

Yet through it all, Jesus maintains a focus on his understanding of God's call on his life, and on his trust that God would work all things out as they should. Difficult as that is, it is also the call placed on our own lives! May we find the faith and trust to walk it!!


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