Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Another Step on the Journey

Another step on the journey of getting out of here was taken today when I finalized arrangements on the church's computer. All my personal files are off, and it will remain at the church from here on. I still have a committal, a wedding and a baptism to go. I will admit that I'm delighted to go out a high note with a wedding the day before my last Sunday and a baptism in my very last service at the church. It is still unclear what will happen regarding a farewell service.

The hardest part of this next three weeks will be dealing with the heart-broken folk coming to ask what they can do, how did this happen, who's behind this - all those difficult topics that there are no clear answers to. I listen, I offer the answers that I can, and I sit back to allow them to vent and find direction through their concerns for our friendship and the future of the church. For all in similar situations, church members that is, I would simply say that you must make yourselves aware of what happens in the church, make every effort to make your community of faith into a place where God and God's will are the paramount focus and all other considerations are only side issues to be discussed and agreed upon to be disagreed upon. Churches will be controlled by those who are willing to put forth the effort. Christians need to be willing to face the future knowing that God's message and service are true focus rather than budget and membership numbers.

Our big focus now is simply to be packed ahead of time. We have the kitchen about ready for the counter repair, and other rooms are nearing completion. AND we are LOOKING FORWARD to our weekend with family in Minnesota. So, back to the packing!


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