Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Daughter's Inspiration

In sharing some thoughts by email with our daughter, I was reminded of the need to be as creative in our approach to life as possible! She lives and works in Colorado. Our son and daughter-in-law live and work in Minnesota. We are in Iowa. That makes holidays (read holy days) a little difficult at times - because we as a society have invested so much in calendars! And not always accurate calendars at that! Christmas, for instance, is ALWAYS celebrated on December 25 - why? Scholars tell us the birth of Jesus most likely occurred somewhere in April or May, and about 4 to 6 years earlier than we traditionally think. Retailers want us thinking of December 25, a pagan holy day taken over by the Church to increase its hold and influence over people. All in all, I wonder if it isn't time for us to begin clearing the calendar of commercialism, and traditional dates; and make room for families to find ways to celebrate what these holy days really mean. Why would it be wrong to gather in April or May to remember the child whose birth, death and new life turned history on its ear? Why would it be wrong to remember his tragic death for teaching a new love, for confronting oppressive powers some time other than what the calendar makers mark on their money-making lists? God isn't limited by our constraints, so why should our celebrations honoring momentous times in the lives of God's people? Something to consider, ponder and chew on. Peace!

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