Monday, November 26, 2007

One of those Sundays

You probably think I'm going to complain about yesterday, but, in truth, I was gratified by several things that happened. First the Adult class got into some very good discussions about Christ as the invisible image of God - what does that mean? What did it communicate about the role Jesus plays for us? And garnered one of those thank yous we all like to get, as a member of the class stopped me following worship to indicate she particularly liked the class that morning. Second, after stepping out a bit more than I usually do on the changes I think we need to be making in the church, another member paused after worship to say the whole service was very good. Third, I volunteered to do a devotional thought at the care facilities here in town in the absence of a pastor or worship team from one of the local church, but asked that arrangements be made for a pianist and songleader - that person called as we started the service to say they weren't coming - in stepped the daughter of our 103 year old member to play, if falteringly. While we didn't sing as much as we usually do when our church's team is there, we had a nice service. At the other facility, there was no song leader, but an appreciative group sang with gusto, and picked familiar hymns for us to sing. There were words of appreciation from most of the residents that we had a worship service.

It is all to easy to become comfortable with "the way things are" leading to occasional deep discomfort over a change. But if the church is to impact the world, we need to remember that Jesus comes to bring NEW life, ABUNDANT life, JOY-filled life. He is the LIBERATOR of the oppressed and enslaved. He sees the God-life within, not society's deliberate attempts to keep us fragmented and at each other's throats for crowd control. Heaven knows if we all decided to live that kind of life, the politicians would be without jobs, and so would the care agencies!

Perhaps it is too much to ask for us to push outside our comfort zones occasionally to try to be what the Master wants us to be? Perhaps Peter, Thomas, John and Judas still walk the earth with their own earthly agendas they wish to impose on the Teacher, and us. Perhaps it is time to hear Jesus again say, "Get behind me, Tempter!" Perhaps.

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