Saturday, November 24, 2007

Getting Started

Well, my lovely bride of 34 and nearly a half years has suggested this for a while, and this slowly-learning techie is launching into blogging. A little about myself - I'm nearly 60 and have been a pastor in the United Church of Christ for over half that time. I married my bride because she absolutely ambushed me while we were in college; and if I could go back, I wouldn't change a thing about our getting together, only move up that wedding date!

I'm an example of someone whose faith was stuck in Sunday School until about midway through my college years, then it began to open. In part, this was due to some fantastic teachers along the way, and, in part, to the experiences and ponderings that began as I made the Bible a personal part of my life. Don't think that means I'm a Bible-thumper - because I'm not! I truly believe that we are to learn, ponder, struggle, and develop our own understanding of who God is, who Jesus is, what we are supposed to do with the gifts and skills we have. Every person is their own theologian, though they might as for someone else to share with them in the process.

I'm also a pastor that believes the pattern of ministry developed since professional clergy emerged - a pattern of we pay you to do all we won't do on our own - is all wrong for this day and age. If the church is to survive, we need to turn back the practice of Christian life to the early disciples - each one actively engaged in reaching out, each one willingly and humbly listening to others in order to see the wider picture from the widest possible angle. I truly believe that the ONLY role model we CAN have is Jesus' ministry - helping whoever, wherever, without stopping to judge their social acceptability before we offer. When that is taken into account, there is no one, male or female, child or adult or aged, straight or gay or bisexual or transgender, hawk or dove, Republican or Democrat, documented or undocumented that we have a right to shut out, come down on, or condemn. Jesus allowed people to condemn themselves by their actions and words, and tried to provide that which would help them see the difference available. I try to follow that pattern.

But I am all-to-aware of my own failings, including weighing too much, eating some of the wrong foods, and having acknowledged prejudices. I'm working on losing weight, eating healthier and learning to appreciate the better points of those against whom I have prejudice.

So you know a little about me, and I would invite your comments, and invite you to join me in the journey of life. Peace!