Thursday, February 28, 2008


So today I went to the hand specialist that performed the surgery on my right wrist in early January. He examined the hand briefly, asked how things were going, agreed with my wife's strong suggestion that the paraffin bath would help, and asked me to show my grip on his fingers. In the end, he announced all was progressing well, continue the massage on the scar tissue and the exercises to strengthen the wrist, and come back if there are future problems!

Such a feeling of freedom in that little comment! And he genuinely seemed pleased that things are progressing as they are - and that can sometimes be a rare gift from a doctor! They are so busy trying to care for patients that they sometimes forget how helpful a little sincere attention can be to the healing process. I still recall the doctor my beloved brought up short for his inattention to the patient - his preference was to focus on the chart and his knowledge - until she informed him he would listen to her or she was leaving. She then shared how his handling of her case came across, and I think it was a bit of a eye-opener for him. I hope he remembered it!

Sometimes in our lives, we need someone to "release" us from something that is hindering our ability to live life fully and with contentment. My beloved has done that for me repeatedly and I think I've grown from each experience of that. My faith has also provided release on more than one occasion from burdens I tried to carry even when they weren't mine to carry. It has been hard for me to learn that I'm not capable of being all things to all people. It has been difficult to let go of the social definition of success in my role as a pastor. It has been difficult accepting some of the limitations age has placed on me. We all know it's easier to shove our heads in the sand, ignore the unpleasant and escape into fantasy - after all, why else would "reality" shows be so popular?

But reality has a way of coming back to bite us in tender places when we try to ignore for too long! Witness the person who lives constantly filled with stress, angst and the demands of those who recognize an obsessive-compulsive - who has a heart attack and is forced to change or die! Witness the spouse who cannot turn loose of past pain or parents or children or outside interests until their spouse declares that the marriage is a sham and over! Witness the athlete who will not listen to those who say you're pushing too hard, until the career is suddenly over because of a injury that might have been avoided by better care taken for the body! Witness the pastor that pushes and pushes - and either loses family who never really see them, or life because they didn't eat right, didn't get exercise, didn't take care of their overtaxed biological systems. God promises to be with us, but not when we determine we better than God know our own limits!

Yes, I know I've been there! Early in my career, my comment to people was that I ran for about 2 years as fast as I could go and God would hit me with some sickness that caused me to slow down for a week or so and then I'd repeat the process. It took my beloved telling me I had a covenant I had said was based in love that had prior commitment to my "successful pastor" model and I would either honor it or lose it! My eyes started opening, but she has had to open them even after to other areas where I'm still captive to things I need freedom from and control over. I'm truly blessed that God brought this lovely lady into my life, and blessed that I'm learning how good it feels to be released from what I don't need to struggle with!

May you find release, may your eyes open to the ways you are over-controlled by things you need be controlled by at all, and may God give you someone who will walk with you to find that release!! Peace!

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