Sunday, February 10, 2008

Thinking or Coasting

I recently shared with those I serve that I was blogging and invited them to consider what I said. One reader commented that my thoughts were thought-provoking, and mentioned that she noticed my inclusion of one I count friend who is differently abled - missing an arm and being a person of incredible creative genius and compassion. Still another simply challenged my understanding, noting that we need to understand that civic society corrupts God's intent for us.

I appreciated the first reader, and understand that she is one who truly strives to allow her faith to grow by the different elements that are offered through Sunday School, Bible Studies and Discussion groups. We don't always agree, and have even had a couple of sharp exchanges on points. We always come back to our ability to disagree and still see each other as friends and colleagues in the life of disciples of Jesus.

I grew with a strong, simple faith and it definitely needed to be challenged to grow. I recall the Senior in College who challenged my simplistic understanding of creation, and stopped me cold by suggesting that insistence on six 24 hours days of creation was limiting God's ability. What a breakthrough for me! Then there came college and seminary professors that furthered my awakening spiritual hunger.

Yet today we are part of a society that increasingly wants a simplistic faith full of black and white, right and wrong. If one doesn't agree with me, then they must be wrong. People seem more willing to see Jesus as a simple teacher/healer, than to understand he boldly, knowingly challenged the status quo in what would amount to martyrdom at the hands of the empire he challenged along with the religious empire of the Saducees, Pharisees and scribes. They refuse to see the vast panorama of his new teaching, the number of times he threw ice water in the face of the social cream of the crop in society.

I honor all who stand for their faith, but wish they would be willing to afford the same honor or respect to others who stand equally as strong, without looking down or judging that different understanding. I will defend their right to hold their beliefs, and pray that God will help them to begin to help them be more willing to defend others in their right to hold and express their faith.

May the Savior who took in Greeks, Romans, Samaritans, Zealots, fishers, men, women, scholars and laborers finally help us to walk with him, rather than dictate the steps of others. May we learn to honor and learn from all the faithful around us!! Peace!

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