Sunday, April 13, 2008


Ecumenism. A word that conjures different images for different people. For me, it is the church acting out the unity we profess in following our Savior. This comes up today because I will be going to an Episcopal Church to preach as several churches in our town do a pulpit exchange.

Sadly, some have decided their faith expression is exclusive - rather than following Jesus' lead of opening the realm to all who would come. I listened yesterday to the tale of a church in a city in the Northwest of Iowa that sent an email to all the other churches requesting there be no further communication or contact with that church, because if you weren't one of them, you were hell-fodder! Imagine Jesus saying such a thing to the Samaritans, to the Romans, to lepers, women, tax-collecting betrayers of their own people. Well, given the stories we have, maybe we cannot, given his inclusion of these self-same people among those who called him Master and wondered at his love and power.

Ecumenism is the call of the church to find that one voice Jesus asks us to speak with. Some efforts have been undertaken through the expression of full communion - denominations that agree to recognize the membership, ordination and beliefs of each other as sisters and brothers in this common faith, through Churches United in Christ, through the increasing number of multi-denominational congregations as small churches combine to accomplish effective ministry in small community settings, and in places where cooperative ministry brings a variety of congregations from different denominations together under a supervising pastor working with lay licensed leaders in each setting to provide the opportunity to continue to minister when the cares of the world seem to great.

I think all of these provide a moment for the Savior to smile at those who have heard the call to be one in that amazing love and life-giving power.


1 comment:

Serena said...

good post. I had aloe more written but blogger ate it.