Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Spring Weather

Spring weather is always a mix, one day warm and sunny, the next dark, stormy and chilly. That's sort of the way life goes as well, in the midst of the difficult times we see brightness and warmth, caring and concern, but suddenly that can reverse and we can be looking at another storm on the horizon. So how do we deal with the roller coaster? For some it's turning to a bottle or pills or some other addiction. For others it's family or lover or social groups. For still others of us, we turn to our faith.

We may not understand why things are happening as they are, why someone we trusted turned a corner and wasn't trustworthy, why our efforts done seem to lead to the successes we hoped for, but we do believe that God's power is at work, that things will work out, and we've learned to count the blessings of family and friends that are there no matter the situation. Some of those friends we see face to face regularly, but some are from the internet communities we have helped to create and sustain. People who are friends because we share some common struggles, have offered some helpful advice, worked through some difficulties together.

Now I know there is a big debate in some circles about being able to call a group on the internet a community, but think of the function of community and I think you will agree that one need not be face to face daily with someone to be a community. I think you will agree that community is a group that is "there for you" in a time of need, and indeed the groups I speak of on the internet are "there for you" in your time of need - to support, uplift, guide, slap you in the face to wake you up, cajole you into doing what you know you should and childishly resist. Sometimes we need the help, and at other times we are the ones giving the help. Sometimes we share our story and several more join the community because we have touched something deep and important to them - perhaps lanced a festering wound in their lives that now can at least begin to heal.

Spring weather, good and bad, sunny and dark, calm and windy, delightful and stormy - welcome to the wonderful descriptor of life in general! Enjoy it all from the warm sunshine to the booming claps of thunder, for they are a display of life right before your eyes in special effects Hollywood will never truly match!


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