Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Difficulty of Staying Positive

Alright, I admit to having just gone through one of those times where it is very hard to stay positive. Someone came in to talk to me about concerns for our church - though not once recognizing any personal contribution or responsibility for those concerns. Offense was taken at my personal opinion and almost a challenge to return the favor. I refused to rise to the bait, simply saying ok, I will defend your right to have your opinion. I find that the years have done little to help me understand the mentality that when problems develop in churches, it is the professional leadership that must change.

I continue to read in the Bible that Jesus said we are all short of the mark, all in need of doing the will of God shown in the life and teaching of Jesus. Yet, I continue to run into the attitude that says, only some of the teachings, and only the wonderful comforting parts of the life, please. I knowingly challenge people, and I find that in the area of faith development, more people do not want, will not accept challenge. They want comfort, they want entertainment, they want good feelings.

Jesus calls us to transform a world, to fill it with attitudes of concern for the downtrodden, to make Biblical justice the order of the day. Is that easy? Absolutely not! Will it end wars? No, just look at Israel's history. Will it end poverty, disease, suffering? No, because there will always be those who will allow greed to supercede the stated willingness to live together with fair distribution. But slowly and surely it will begin to change, and those persons will become fewer - if we are willing to start the process, and to suffer a little ridicule or suffering to stand with our Savior.

Jesus clearly tells us to count the cost. Jesus clearly says it will NOT be easy, that we can expect nothing less or more than he experienced. Israel found a comfort zone, and it broke them in their relationship with the liberating God that brought them out of Egypt, Babylon, Persia, and freed them from oppressors. Are we repeating their mistakes? It just might be the case.

I will continue to know that this person came from what were the best of intentions from that perspective, and that it came, not easily, from a genuine concern for the body of people here that are enjoyed and comfortable. I'll look for ways I can reach out, and try to find some different ways to communicate the message. But I refuse to give up my beliefs, my hopes, my understanding that comes from study, prayer and experience.

May the God of all people, the God of new Creation, the God of Jesus and other important, powerful and godly teachers be with us on this unending, difficult, yet rewarding journey. Peace!

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