Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2008 Begins

And so another year begins. What are we to make of it? Well, that is really our choice, plain and simple. We can see this as an unspoiled canvas on which to paint our deepest desires, or a treasure chest to be plundered until it is empty, or a load of trouble we'll never be free from. The path that I believe God wants us to take is to see the first choice I mentioned. Some will think this is Pollyanna speaking, but it truly is NOT. Enough research has been done to show that when we set our minds to find the good and augment it, there is little life can do to change that or to bring our world down on our heads. the only thing that can accomplish that is our own change of mind and attitude.

Several years ago, I heard the story of a man extremely successful in his business that bought into the second of the choices I offered above. Soon he was away from home more often than not, drinking and living the high life - until he found his business bankrupt, his family gone. He sunk lower into the dregs of life, until one night he offered a prayer apologizing to God for the mess he made of his life, asking for help to get it back, and promising 10% of his profits. He changed his attitude, changed his faith source and indeed climbed back to success - success so great he gave the vast bulk of his profits to charities like hospitals, schools and human aid organizations.

I continue to wonder what would happen if we get even 10% of the members of mainline churches to believe that, even 10% of all people of faith? Think of it! Jews, Christians, Muslims, Native Peoples, Buddhists, Sihks, Hindus, and others all living with an understanding that we will give to our diety the piety we should, live toward others with care, love and concern and offer back from the bounty we are given even such a small amount as that 10%.

Yes, I truly know how difficult it can be. I have struggled with medical bills, prescription medicines, debt and wondering how in God's name I am to be able to give that money. Interestingly, we found while still in seminary that when we gave God 10% first, there was always enough. Not necessarily an amount that allowed us to splurge a lot, but enough - just what God promises us. And we were happy!

So here's to a new year, filled with possibilities, filled with hope, and for us, new life through our new grandson Justin! Peace!!

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