Sunday, January 20, 2008

Learning About Disabling Conditions

I've received yet another reminder of how blessed I am to have all my limbs and senses. I'm currently recovering from carpal tunnel surgery and the removal of a cyst on my right wrist. That cast makes things very interesting! You don't really think about how much you miss things, until you don't have it! Now I am reminded yet again of how persons with "disabling" conditions go through. I'll try to be more understanding and reach to shake with my left hand when my friend Lynn approaches me with his prosthetic hook on his right arm. I'll try to be more sympathetic when someone is dealing with something similar. And I'll thank God for having a good doctor, a loving and helpful wife, and understanding friends.

I'm also dealing with an elderly gentleman from the church I serve who has had a recurrence of cancer, as so often more voracious and aggressive than ever before, and is in the latter stages of dying. I've been to have a talk with him in his home, and he was ready to face what would happen, comfortable with his relationship with God, but willing to try the therapy suggested. I've visited him in the hospital last Thursday and we had a fairly good talk, with a promise of another - but the next time I was called to see him, he was unresponsive and slipping. I shared a releasing moment with him today, knowing he wouldn't want to lay there and cause suffering to his family or closest friends.

In the words of my Amerind heritage, the cycle of life leading to death, which leads back to life. We are born, we live and try to improve ourselves and our world, we die, which allows another to live and attempt to improve life. "Make me worthy!" was the final prayerful words of a Amerind prayer I learned at one time. Indeed, may we all be made worthy!!


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