Saturday, January 26, 2008

Let the itch begin!

I'm experiencing something now that has definite theological connotations! I'm in the last week of having my wrist immobilized after the excision of a ganglion cyst and carpal tunnel release surgery on January 11. The itching has attacked aggressively in the last two days. I know it means that it's healing, but it is maddening!

Theological connotations, you ask? Yes! The work of God's Spirit on us should be an itch that cannot be scratched! We should constantly find ourselves pushed, prodded, itched into growth, growing understanding, new practices that show our faith and the love of God for those left out or actively pushed out by "the ruling opinion." We need an itch we cannot overcome, nor ignore!

Make no mistake, Jesus was such an itch for the disciples and his world. When they couldn't scratch the itch to stop it, they killed him. We might, if we cause enough itch, face the same reaction - witness what has happened to Gandhi or Martin Luther King, Jr. No, I don't think either was perfect, but I can sure wish we had a few of them in the church!!!

May God create an itch in you that leads to a passionate pursuit of your faith on behalf of God's hated children everywhere! You know them when you can't stand them! Or when you see or hear others pushing them away in scorn or hatred.


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