Monday, December 31, 2007

A Letter to Justin

My first grandson, born this day in the early morning hours, in the waning of one year, we are so glad to welcome you to the family! And your arrival reminds us once again of our need to stop fighting for as much as we can snatch from the world and it's people, and start the transformation that God wants to take place. We will vote and work for those who will work for peace. We will take care of the earth. We will stive for a more tolerant and accepting approach to life.

The Iowa Caucuses are just around the corner, and that will impact your early years, my grandson, in that we will elect a president to help restore our nation's position in the world, restore the civil rights that have been stripped from us, and reinject our nation's resources and support into turning around global warming so you and your children and your children's children will have a planet fit for human habitation.

We will stand by you, guide you, challenge you, love you. We will work now and throughout the rest of our days to make this a better world for you. This pledge I make you, Justin Lee H., I will begin now to develop a more positive attitude and outlook. I will consciously strive to see the good, the brightness, and the potential rather than seeing bad, dark obstructions. In that manner, I will begin being part of the solution, rather than part of the problem. I pray others will also start to see the glass as half full rather than half empty.

Bless you, child. Lead us to a better world! May this letter apply to all who welcome the arrival of new babies! May it apply to all who seek new opportunities! May it be!


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