Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Winter Thoughts on . . . .

Winter is here. Ice and snow, cold and wind, another source of inconvenience and anger. It is time for us to realize that for many people, any source of inconvenience can become a source of anger and angst for some of those we work with; and perhaps time for us all to start taking the approach of a colleague in responding to these reactions - "Let's be clear that I was called by God to this job, you provide for me and my family because as God's servant working in this place and time I also serve you, but I am God's servant. If you do not want to support my ministry among you as God's servant that is your decision, but I am God's servant."

Sounds harsh, and would indeed get some of us in very hot water, very fast. But isn't it the unwillingness to stand up for our calling that has resulted in so many of us being in a situation where we feel we have no power - not even influence - in our churches? Isn't it the unwillingness to confront wrong attitudes that puts us into the untenable situations that leave us back into corners until we are crippled in our ministry? Isn't it the giving up of our voice and vote that denudes us of the ability to truly lead in any way other than kill ourselves trying to do it all so the church grows and prospers, with money and members that won't listen to us once they are acclimatized to the culture of the congregation?

I grew, in my pastoral role, during a time that said the pastor has nothing better to do than serve us! Family, personal and health issues, personal spiritual life - all were to take a back seat to growing numerically and financially the congregation one serves by oneself - or perhaps with a few committed people willing to give an hour or two a week. I bought that image for years, and it took my wife telling me I would either change or go on without her and our children to cause me to actually start growing in my understanding. I'm still trying to put understanding into practice. But I don't back down as much as I used to. I'm not as good at confrontation as I would like, but I'm not sure that my understated ways don't, at least at times, leave the door open to teaching a better way. I'll continue to grow, and to look for the path God calls me to walk, and I will NOT relinquish my considered beliefs simply because someone who doesn't study, doesn't live and struggle every day with this faith disagrees with me.

God calls us to walk a difficult and painful road, but that difficulty and pain should be less within the gathered faithful and without, and the truth is most pastors having trouble in their congregations are more liked in the community than they are in their congregation - sad but true. So, courage, brothers and sisters! Jesus walked here before us, and walks with us.


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