Friday, December 14, 2007

Late Night Reading

Well, I've just read through many renderings of responses to the question: What have you to say about our church? The upshot is that many see me as the problem for differeing reasons: I preach the same message for three years - does this suggest something other than I'm obsessive? I'm so focused on myself that no one self matters - does this really mesh with my ability to be good to work so well with families who have lost a loved one? - I'm so out of touch that I cannot understand the needs of those aroudn me?

Well, I want to understand where people are coming from - so I'll stop sharing stories that illustarate that I know what you are going through; I'll stop being someone who is willing to share what I REALLY believe in order to shar what you believe -- is that what you really want? I'll start preaching feel good sermons that don't challenge and only comfort - is that what you really want? I'll make study series ONLY what you want - will that get you to attend?

It seems that for the church to be "acceptable" we nee dto be ONLY what certain people want, only what will make people feel comfortable - when did people stop being able to understand when someone else was the target? So, it would seem that I need to work myself to the bone to make sure the "church" grows in order to have the people feel I'm doing my job, and if they do nothing, that shouldn't surprise me.

I'm sorry but I find that the current emphasis on how "I" get what "I" want as the focus of the church as a bit of a return to what led Jesus to protest the religious establishment and what led the protestant reformers to witness to a different way of looking at faith.

Where did we lose our focus on the salvation that comes by faith and by living? May we find it again. May we realize Jesus never meant for even 10% of the church to do it all! May we truly take on the roll of disciples - all of us!! Peace!]

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