Monday, December 10, 2007


I was talking with a colleague, one of those fellows to calls it like he sees it, and we discussed why churches fail to even consider what they say, how they act, or how they undermine their clergy.

One example from a former parish of mine was of having lightning burn out the refrigerator in the parsonage. We were promised a new refrigerator, but before it could be delivered, the sister of the president of the congregation called and reminded him that the women had wanted a new refrigerator at the church - so just take the old one out of the church for the parsonage and given the new one to the women, complete with ice maker. The first Sunday after this was installed, I was asked to empty the ice tray on Thursday and take the stale ice home so they would have fresh ice on Sundays - and I think you can imagine my answer. Why do that? What would a church member feel if that were reversed on them? How long before the pastor was run out of town on a rail? But it is all to commonplace, my friends.

Another, from the ministry of a fellow theater buff and colleague. He had started looking for another congregation. Our denomination has a certain etiquette for the call process. A church that he hadn't even known was looking at him sent 6 people to his service, where they sat together - about as subtle as an elephant sitting in the center aisle. You can imagine the comments floating around the church after that service, and they were truly incredulous that anything was wrong in what they had done.

Churches are organizations made up of people, and we are very concerned to get as many people as possible involved, but some people just aren't suited to some of the jobs in the church - though they may be quite skilled in other things the church requires. The image of the body suggests that we scrutinize people and consider where their gifts will BEST suit the life of the church. The very earthy person may not be the best suited for the children's Sunday School class. The best carpenter may not be the best person to fix the plumbing or electrical wiring.

If the church is to function to its best capacity, it needs to be willing to guide persons to where they will best HELP the life and progress of the church - just as we need to be willing to live with some uncertainty and discomfort for the sake of not becoming static and stagnant! Growth requires change, life requires change, surprise and a certain imbalance to things. But those make us VERY UNCOMFORTABLE!

God, help us trust you and your Spirit! Peace!

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