Saturday, December 1, 2007

Chili, ice, birds, pregnancy

So, do I have you confused? First the chili reference, and a bit of humor - the other night as we prepared for my 59th birthday, I was helping my wife make venison chili - which required grinding dried chilis. While we grinding, we were sneezing and coughing and laughing, until I slipped up behind my wife, with my hands on her hips and said, "Boy, you are one hot mama now!" Then we both rolled with laughter!

Ice - well, we've dodged the bullet on winter so far, and today we are paying for it! With a funeral scheduled for this morning at 10:30, I had no choice but to get out. It was poorly attended, but the family understood, even urging some not to come because of the weather. Interestingly, when I left, there was about 3 inches of ice pellets and it was like walking in large grained sand. It has continued, but is supposed to be out of here tonight, allowing for programming tomorrow as usual.

I looked out the window while helping my wife in the kitchen and was amazed at the numbers, but my wife simply said "any port in a storm, and we are probably the only source in this area." Which prompts me to think about the church's approach to helping people - we have become so concerned about being taken by the abusers of the system that we often turn away even those who legitimately need our help. We recently had a situation where a young woman needed help, but because she wasn't a member, even though she wanted it as a loan rather than a gift, she was turned down for help and sent to look for help in the community -- do you think she will still consider our congregation as a future church home? I don't. I wonder what Jesus would say?

Pregnancy - well, this one comes from our daughter-in-law and son. She had a doctor appointment on my birthday, and was already 1 cm. Today my son noted the baby was "riding VERY low." We are starting to get even more excited about being grandparents for the first time, and are reveling in the excitement of our children at the prospect as well. New life is such a joy! That wonderful bubbly trust and enjoyment of life is infectious! Don't believe me, try this little exercise - when you feel a little down, go hold a baby for a while and see what happens! Smiles, playfulness, a sense of happiness and well-being are close behind! God bless all the babies, make them wanted, and blast all of us complacent types for not making sure they are all cared for to the best of our ability!!!!!


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