Wednesday, May 14, 2008


After a counselor treating me for clergy-burnout suggested I hoe the garden or pound nails while thinking of my most frustrating antagonist, I modified that when video games and computer games came along. I can deal with those people who drive me around the bend, because, usually, after an episode, I go home and engage in on-line gaming or fire up the PS2 and engage in some synthetic bashing. It hasn't turned me into a raving maniac, but it does allow frustration to be vented in a socially acceptable manner.

When I have meetings that are enough to have me gnashing my teeth, pulling my hair and talking in rumbling mutters, I look to the games to relieve some of that stress, vent some of the annoyance, and allow me to cool down enough to even think straight.

Sometimes I don't have that outlet, and those are the times I notice that the burn lasts longest. Lesson to be learned - find an outlet for that stress, whether it is gaming, building, hoeing in the garden, or pounding the tar out of a loaf of bread dough - so your true self can come through and really seek an answer, or see that this is one of those you simply have to listen to with half an ear and forget!


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